Body Ecology Services in Lenexa & the Greater Kansas City, KS Area

Recovering your Health, Rebuilding your Immunity

After many years of nutrition counseling to her clients, Rosie found that her diet principles were very much in sync with the Body Ecology Diet. She soon become a Certified Body Ecologist, to provide her clients better nutrition healing information. Call Rosie to set up a consultation in Lenexa, KS at 913-962-6721. You'll be glad that you did.

The Body Ecology Diet shows you how to restore and maintain the important "inner ecology" your body needs to function properly and to eliminate or control the symptoms that rob you of the joy of living.

With the confusing array of supplements, health foods and fads out in the marketplace today, Body Ecology offers a back-to-basics approach to restoring health and vitality. The straightforward necessities we provide are all geared to one fundamental law of nature: the fact that our digestive systems are intimately linked to our immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems.

Profoundly affecting all these interlocking systems is an amazing world of benevolent bacteria: the microscopic "good guys" that must be present in your intestines for you to be healthy. Our products are all specifically designed to help you cultivate, nourish, cleanse and repair this abundant inner ecosystem (hence the name Body Ecology).

The Body Ecology system of health and healing is one whose many facets can take years to master, yet these basic principles can be easily understood and followed. They comprise three simple dietary transitions that can have a profound impact on how you feel:

  • The addition of cultured foods to your diet
  • Changing the quality of fats and oils you consume
  • Drastically reducing your intake of carbohydrates and sugars


The products and instructions we provide to Body Ecology Dieters (or BEDers, for short) are all designed to make these three goals easy to accomplish.

Thousands today don't know why they feel so tired all the time, or are overweight. And while we do not promote BED merely as a "weight-loss" diet, it plays an important role in fighting the obesity which is a major contributor to poor health. Six out of ten Americans are overweight (including nine million children), and we have epidemics of autism (over one million children), depression (over three million teens), and hormone imbalances (in men and woman of all ages). These ailments are escalating at an alarming rate.

The Body Ecology Diet is the most comprehensive and effective nutritional therapy available today!


The Body Ecology Diet makes it easy for you to:

The Body Ecology Diet makes it easy for you to:

  • Plan meals with dozens of delectable recipes, menus, and detailed shopping lists!
  • Learn simple principles of proper eating and food combining to rebalance your internal ecology.
  • Use effective cleaning methods to restore your system's harmony.
  • Develop strategies for controlling your urge to snack and for dining away from home.

Over 140,000 copies of The Body Ecology Diet have been sold... mostly as a result of friends telling friends about it, not advertising. Why? It works!!